Welcome to the official website of HTA Class '91 - the Trinitarium Class. It aims at establishing a reconnection among HTA Class '91 members and their associates in order to keep alive those cherished moments during high school days............. 2016 marks the 25th year of our graduation from our dearly beloved Alma Mater. In this regard, we wish to inform all our batchmates and associates that there is a proposed GRAND SILVER REUNION in 2016. It will be a great opportunity for each one of us to reunite after we passed the portals of our Alma Mater in 1991. Date and possible activities are still to be discussed. We are hoping for your cooperation and participation in that historic event. You may send your suggestions at hta.batch91@yahoo.com. You may also leave a message at our message box found below.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Mr. Defense Specialist

Neil Alvin Jabujab applies a tough defense against his opponent during the Miami Heat and Atlanta Hawk encounter. Neil is the only Filipino prayer who was drafted to the NBA. He belongs to HTA class 91. Neil, we are very proud of you.... (murag tinuod...)